Monday, November 5, 2012

Who is really Pro-Life?

I'm pro-life and I've been doing a lot of reading recently about what can be done to reduce abortions in the United States.  If you've read my previous posts you know that I don't think that Republicans are going to try to make it illegal any time soon so what are the alternative approaches to reduce abortion?

I found the first part of the answer in an unusual place.  In Germany, they have similar abortion laws to the United States and are a first world country but they have an abortion rate that is 60% lower than the US.  So what accounts for the difference?

In the US, 57% of women getting an abortion reported some form of economic distress in the last year, often the loss of a job or their home.  The US offers almost no support for pregnant women or new mothers and so the additional expenses associated with a baby can be daunting.  Germany on the other hand offers significant financial aid to mothers drastically reducing the potential impact on their financial stability.  Another piece of data that supports the financial aspect of abortions is the fact that women that are members of economically depressed minorities in the US are 3 to 5 times more likely to have an abortion.  So financial programs may be able to reduce abortions in the US as well.

Note: I see some possibility for these financial programs to be abused so it would probably make sense to have some limits on them to keep the costs reasonable and not encourage people to have children for the wrong reasons.

A less surprising find was that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education started having sex at a later age than students who had no sex education or had abstinence only education.  This is obviously going to reduce abortions amongst teenagers.  Also, it was found that reducing teenagers access to contraceptive did not lower their sexual activity levels but did increase the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Unfortunately, in the US the Republicans are the "pro-life" party but they don't support any of these steps that would reduce the abortion rate in this country and they have shown themselves to be uninterested in outlawing abortions (please reference my previous posts).  The Democrats are pro-choice but they would support the social policies that would reduce the number of abortions

So I'm left with the conclusion that the Democrats are more likely to reduce the number of abortions in the US more than the Republicans will even if they are pro-choice.

What we really need in this country is a more compassionate pro-life party.  A party that really wants to help the poor and unfortunate in a way that Christ would approve of.  That is what I dream of for America.