Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why voting pro-life is a bad idea.

My goal in this post is to show you that Republicans do not really care about abortions at all.  They only care about getting the votes of people who hate abortions.

The moment that I realized that Republicans didn't care about stopping abortions occurred during George W Bush's presidency.  At one point Republicans controlled the presidency, both houses of congress and Republican presidents had appointed 6 of the 9 supreme court justices.  This is the kind of majority that pro-life people had dreamed of.  Republicans, the supposedly pro-life party, controlled all 3 branches of government.

So what major abortion legislation did they pass with all of this political muscle?  All we got were 2 rather small legislative efforts that did almost nothing to protect the unborn.

The first was Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act which bans a rare form of abortion.  Sadly this bill effected less than 1% of all abortions and most of the effected abortions were just forced to use different methods that are just as deadly to the child.  This may have prevented a small number of abortions but failed to address more than 99% of all abortions in this country.

The second was Unborn Victims of Violence Act which made killing an unborn child a crime if you were committing another violent crime at the time.  So if you assaulted a pregnant woman you could get charged for hurting her unborn child as well.  This prevented no abortions but did make it look like Republicans were trying to "protect the unborn."

So when the Republicans had the chance to pass a major law to prevent abortions the American public got nothing significant.  If the Republicans had passed a major abortion law and it had gotten killed in the courts for some reason I would find that regrettable but I would at least give them some credit for trying.  They didn't even try.

So next time you consider voting pro-life remember that the Republicans have no intention of trying to stop abortions.  Please feel free to vote for Republicans for other reasons if you want just don't deceive yourself into believing that you are protecting the unborn.  Republicans want your pro-life votes but don't do anything to deserve them. 

Please note: The author of this article is pro-life and does not think that the Republicans are the only ones lying in politics but the Democrats appear to be doing a better job supporting their pro-choice people than the job the Republicans are doing for their pro-life people.


  1. Great explanation. You should add a picture so I can pin it to share with others

  2. I created a pic to add to the post. I don't know if it will work for pinning (I know nothing about pinterest).
